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场 地:美国(厂家直采)
Species:RabbitClone:PolyclonalSpecies Reactivity:HumanSpecificity:S-100 from ox brain was used for immunization. This antibody reacts strongly with human S100-A and B. Extensive testing shows that this antibody gives strictly specific S-100 labeling of cryostat as well as formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded section of human tissue. This antibody labels glial cells in the brain and ependymal cells. Moreover, Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system are positive. Among tumors of the human central and peripheral nervous system, a positive reaction is seen in schwannomas and ependymomas, as well as in different grades of astrogliomas including glioblastomas. A large proportion of cells in human tumors originating from different salivary glands are stainable with anti-S-100. S-100 is present in almost all human benign and malignant melanocytic tumors of the skin and in metastases of human malignant melanomas.
ScyTek始建于1991年,以成为世界级生命科学研究试剂生产商为目标。ScyTek从创立之初开始, 就采取了严格的原材料筛选程序,确保所有出厂产品都具有最高的品质
如今, ScyTek生产多种优质试剂,不断应用于各种学科,包括免疫学,组织学,细胞学,微生物学和血液学等.